Should you feel scared about laser eye surgery risks? Dr Matthew Russell discusses if there is a reason to be scared about laser eye surgery risks For all of our LASIK eye surgery patients coming in for laser vision correction, they are generally quite nervous on the day, and that’s completely natural. The reality of going through laser treatment is that there is no pain. But are there are laser eye surgery risks or symptoms you should know about?1 Well, it is normal to experience dry eyes after laser eye surgery, and we can easily manage it with over-the-counter medications that we provide free of charge, from eye drops to other treatment options. However, any long-term LASIK complication is extremely uncommon. At VSON we take pride in ensuring that we use only the most advanced laser technology to provide the optimum patient experience with the best results. Absolutely no pain whatsoever during the procedure or afterwards, and it’s just a matter of lying comfortably on the bed.2 Search for: Search... FIND US IN BRISBANE 825 Ann Street Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006 DISCOVER IF YOU CAN BE FREE FROM GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSES The best way to find out if eye treatment is right for you is to have an in-person assessment. You’ll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and vision correction options BOOK A FREE ASSESSMENT During the treatment Before the LASIK procedure starts, we will completely numb your eyes with anaesthetic drops, so you will not feel a thing. We will then use a little clip to hold your eyes open in a comfortable manner before we begin with the surgical procedure. All that’s required of you is that you look straight ahead towards a green flashing light, which I’ll ask you to continue looking at. If you happen to look away or if your eyes move, the laser either tracks that in real-time – thanks to its ultra-accurate capabilities – or the laser will stop altogether. When you continue to look at the green light, the laser will resume the treatment as if nothing has happened, and will continue right where it left off. A risk with LASIK eye surgery is that, in very rare cases, about one in a thousand, we may not be able to raise the flap during the procedure. In this case, we have to stop and come back three to four months later when that partial flap is healed and continue the procedure then. It’s nothing to worry about. You won’t feel any adverse effects; all we do is delay the procedure until it’s safer to do so. What happens if I move during the procedure? Now, if you happen to look away or if your eyes move, the laser either tracks that in real-time, or it stops instantly. Because it knows where you’re looking, the laser will resume the treatment when you look at the light again, continuing as if nothing had happened. It starts again right where it left off. That also applies if you cough or sneeze, which some common fears people worry about. It is ultra-accurate. After the treatment After treatment, again, there’s no pain, and most patients are very relieved and surprised that the whole process was so simple. People can often return to work the next day, compared to TransPRK or PRK, which can sometimes keep people out of work for a week or so.3 If you are still scared about lasik surgery and would like to learn more about laser eye surgery in Brisbane, please book online for a free laser vision assessment. Learn more about LASIK and laser eye surgery risks and overcome your fear.