Should You Feel Scared About Laser Eye Surgery Risks?

The decision to undergo laser eye surgery is significant, often accompanied by a mix of excitement and apprehension. For many, the prospect of life without glasses or contact lenses is liberating. However, it’s not uncommon to feel afraid of laser eye surgery, especially when considering the potential risks involved. While it’s natural to feel a bit anxious about any surgical procedure, understanding the risks, how they are mitigated, and the success rates can help ease fears. This blog explores why feeling scared shouldn’t hold you back from considering laser eye surgery and how to move forward confidently.

Understanding the Risks

Like any surgical procedure, laser eye surgery comes with its set of risks and potential complications. These can include dry eyes, under-correction or overcorrection of vision, the need for a second surgery, and less commonly, infection or changes in vision. While these risks sound daunting, it’s important to put them into 2021. 6 Common Questions About LASIK Eye Surgery – Penn Medicine. [online] Available at: <>.

Putting Risks into Perspective

The advancements in laser eye surgery technology and techniques have significantly reduced the likelihood of complications. Most risks associated with the surgery are minor and can be treated 2021. 6 Common Questions About LASIK Eye Surgery – Penn Medicine. [online] Available at: <>. Serious complications are rare, with studies showing that the vast majority of patients achieve successful outcomes and high levels of satisfaction with their surgery.

At VSON we take pride in ensuring that we use only the most advanced laser technology to provide the optimum patient experience with the best results. Absolutely no pain whatsoever during the procedure or afterwards, and it’s just a matter of lying comfortably on the 2021. 6 Common Questions About LASIK Eye Surgery – Penn Medicine. [online] Available at: <>.

The Role of Comprehensive Assessment

A key factor in minimizing risks is a thorough pre-surgery assessment. This evaluation ensures that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and helps identify any factors that may increase the risk of complications. By selecting patients carefully and using the latest technology, surgeons can significantly reduce the risks associated with laser eye surgery.

Addressing the Fear

Being afraid of laser eye surgery is a normal response to the unknown and the idea of having a procedure on such a vital and sensitive part of your body. Here are a few strategies to help manage and overcome these fears:

Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power. Learning about the procedure, understanding the risks and how they are mitigated, and knowing the success rates can help demystify the process and reduce anxiety.

Choose an Experienced Surgeon

An experienced and reputable surgeon is crucial for a successful outcome. Look for a surgeon who is willing to discuss your concerns, answer your questions, and provide detailed information about their experience and success rates.

Talk to Others

Hearing from others who have undergone laser eye surgery can provide reassurance. Their experiences can offer insights into the procedure, recovery, and the impact on their quality of life.

Focus on the Benefits

Consider the positive outcomes of the surgery, such as the potential for improved vision, freedom from glasses and contact lenses, and the lifestyle changes that can come with these improvements.

Should Fear Stop You?

While it’s normal to have concerns, being overly afraid of laser eye surgery shouldn’t stop you from exploring it as an option. The benefits of the surgery for those who are suitable candidates often outweigh the risks. By taking the time to educate yourself, selecting an experienced surgeon, and focusing on the potential positive outcomes, you can make an informed decision that’s right for you.

About the treatment

Before the LASIK procedure starts, we will completely numb your eyes with anaesthetic drops, so you will not feel a thing. We will then use a little clip to hold your eyes open in a comfortable manner before we begin with the surgical procedure. All that’s required of you is that you look straight ahead towards a green flashing light, which I’ll ask you to continue looking at.

If you happen to look away or if your eyes move, the laser either tracks that in real-time – thanks to its ultra-accurate capabilities – or the laser will stop altogether. When you continue to look at the green light, the laser will resume the treatment as if nothing has happened, and will continue right where it left off.

A risk with LASIK eye surgery is that, in very rare cases, about one in a thousand, we may not be able to raise the flap during the procedure. In this case, we have to stop and come back three to four months later when that partial flap is healed and continue the procedure then. It’s nothing to worry about. You won’t feel any adverse effects; all we do is delay the procedure until it’s safer to do so.

If you’re considering laser eye surgery but are held back by fear, we encourage you to schedule a free assessment with us. This no-obligation consultation will provide you with the opportunity to learn more about the procedure, understand the risks and how we manage them, and assess your suitability for surgery. Our team is here to answer all your questions and help you make a confident decision about your eye care. Don’t let fear dictate your vision for the future. Schedule your free assessment today and take the first step towards clear vision.

In conclusion, while being afraid of laser eye surgery is a natural response, it’s important to balance these fears with factual information and professional advice. The risks, though present, are minimal for most patients, and the potential benefits can be life-changing. With the right preparation, information, and care from experienced professionals, you can approach laser eye surgery with confidence, knowing that you’re making a well-informed decision for your vision and quality of life.



The best way to find out if eye treatment is right for you is to have an in-person assessment. You’ll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and vision correction options