Does ICL surgery hurt?ICL, or Implantable contact lenses, are a modern and effective way of improving vision. However, since it involves surgery, people tend to get nervous about the potential pain involved. Here, we’ll try to clear up any confusion regarding whether ICL surgery hurts or not.1. Anaesthesia makes it painlessFor starters, we carry out the procedure under local anaesthesia and IV sedation, which numbs the area of the eye being worked on, making your procedure completely painless.2. The procedure is quickAnother reassuring factor is that the procedure itself is pretty quick. It typically takes less than 30 minutes1 We perform the surgery in an outpatient setting, so you can leave the same day that you have surgery.3. The comfortable recovery periodAfter the surgery, you might experience dryness, mild irritation, or even temporarily blurred vision. But your surgeon will give you some post-operative medication to ease the symptoms. You’ll also have to use antibiotic eye drops to prevent any infection. Most people recover smoothly and experience little to no pain.4. Pain relievers availableIf you do feel a bit of discomfort, over-the-counter pain relievers such as Ibuprofen can help. Your surgeon will be available to address any issues and provide recommendations to ease the pain.5. Keep indications in mindWhile ICL surgery isn’t usually painful, having an understanding of why you need it and how the procedure will improve your eye condition would be beneficial. There are recommended indications for those who should opt for ICL, so you must fulfil the criteria before going in for the procedure. Discuss your concerns with your eye surgeon, and they will educate you on the process, the risks, and the associated factors before carrying out the surgery.In conclusion, the answer to the question, “Does ICL surgery hurt?” is no, not usually. Most people report minimal pain, if any, during or after the procedure. However, it is crucial to discuss your concerns with your eye surgeon, understand why the procedure is necessary, and follow all instructions and medications accurately to improve your recovery process. Additionally, every eye responds differently, so you must voice your experiences to your surgeon and address any concerns you may have. Remember, ICL surgery is a safe and common way of improving vision, and by choosing a qualified surgeon, you’re significantly improving your success rate for the treatment.To find out more about ICL surgery, book a free assessment with us.Home » ICL » Does ICL surgery hurt? Search for: ARE YOU SUITABLE?Check your laser eye surgery suitability online with our free LASIK self-testTAKE SUITABILITY SELF-TESTOUR MOST POPULAR PROCEDURESLASIKSmartSightICLLens ReplacementPRKRefractive cataract surgeryFAQsDISCOVER IF YOU CAN BE FREE FROM GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSESThe best way to find out if eye treatment is right for you is to have an in-person assessment. You’ll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and vision correction optionsBOOK A FREE ASSESSMENTFound this post useful? Please share!Hi, I’m Dr. Matthew Russell, your laser and cataract surgery specialistHI I’M DR. MATTHEW RUSSELL YOUR LASER EYE AND CATARACT SURGERY SPECIALISTWith over 15 years of experience, I enjoy the privilege of helping patients of all ages reclaim clear vision or preserve it for as long as possible.Vision correction and high-precision cataract surgery hinge on the expertise and skill set of the provider who also has access to the most precise tools for the job. Ophthalmic surgeons like me know how to make treatment safe, comfortable and positive for the patient. They know how to minimise the risk of complications and maximise successful outcomes.I have a passion for helping my patients enjoy the clear, high-definition vision they need to live rich and active lives. Now, I have hand-picked a team of professionals that share my passion and commitment to exceptional care.Dr. Matthew RussellMBChB, FRANZCO MORE ABOUT DR. RUSSELL