Answering lens replacement questions

Have lens replacement questions? Learn more about it from our lens replacement specialist, Dr. Matt Russell, founder of VSON Eye Laser Specialists

Navigating the visual journey: 3 weeks after LASIK and still blurry?


Explore the post-LASIK visual journey! For some people three weeks into their LASIK journey, their view may still be a bit hazy. Let’s explore why this is and what you can do to rid this very normal side-effect.

Navigating the visual journey: 3 weeks after LASIK and still blurry?2024-04-12T06:23:19+10:00

Does cataract surgery always involve lens replacement?


Ever wondered about cataract surgery? Contrary to popular belief, not all cataract surgeries involve lens replacement! Join our discussion on the different approaches to cataract surgery and get the lowdown on what to expect.

Does cataract surgery always involve lens replacement?2024-04-01T21:50:36+10:00

Lens replacement surgery recovery time: How long does it take to recover from lens replacement surgery?


Get the facts on how long it takes to recover from lens replacement surgery. Learn about RLE and recovery time. Read here.

Lens replacement surgery recovery time: How long does it take to recover from lens replacement surgery?2023-12-07T02:56:55+10:00
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