Eye surgery for reading glasses: How to be glasses free over 50Reading glasses are annoying. You lose them, break them, they steam up when you’re cooking, and make you look older than you feel. Your 40s and 50s are still your prime. You care about seeing the world, being active and living a healthy lifestyle. Most people will accept their awkward optical fate, but you can undo your ageing eyes, achieve 20:20 vision again, and view the world as it’s meant to be seen.What is presbyopia?Presbyopia is the condition of ageing eyes. It creeps up on us mostly when we’re 40+ (often referred to as age-related hyperopia) and occurs when the lens gets progressively harder.The process of seeing starts when light enters your eye. First, the light goes through the cornea and then is focused by the lens inside our eyes to create an image on the retina at the focal point which sends signals towards the brain that we are seeing.When a refractive error occurs, it’s usually because there’s something wrong with the cornea (that we can fix by reshaping it).The hardening of the lens occurs as a result of ageing1https://www.nature.com/articles/eye1993169. If you left this untreated, you’d develop cataracts, which is the progression of presbyopia into your 60s.So due to this now hardened lens, the eye has difficulty moving it, zooming or focusing the light correctly. This loss of flexibility in the eye’s lens affects the refractive ability too. Near objects become blurry, affecting reading, so we often resort to reading glasses. But to see clearly in the distance, you must constantly remove your reading glasses and update your prescriptions as the presbyopia advances.There are two solutions to your problem. Both will restore your visual freedom, rid you of multiple pairs of glasses, make you feel younger and more confident, and allow you to experience the world in HD.Each option has a different approach depending on what works best for you.Solution 1: LASIK blended visionImagine being able to see what’s up close and far away with clarity, without glasses. That is the idea behind LASIK blended vision!This procedure is a form of laser correction that uses LASIK or PRK techniques and technology. We correct the dominant eye for distance vision, and the non-dominant eye to improve short sightedness.Solution 2: Lens replacement surgery (RLE)Another popular and safe solution for tackling Presbyopia is Lens Replacement Surgery or RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange). This is practically the same method as cataract surgery, whereby the surgeon removes the hardened natural lens and replaces it with an artificial implant (e.g. an IOL – Intraocular Lens).This new, permanent lens mimics the effects of a healthy clear crystalline lens, relieves visual impairment caused by presbyopia and optimises your vision for the best possible capabilities. This is a quick procedure completed in 30 minutes and on an outpatient basis.Both options are viable, popular and safeYou’ll be in the care of a globally renowned expert. You’ll reap the benefits of spec-free living without worrying about those pesky reading glasses. Live your life to the fullest, accomplish your goals and be brave with it. Take that first step with us and book a free 45-minute appointment.Home » Lens replacement » Eye surgery for reading glasses: How to be glasses free over 50 Search for: ARE YOU SUITABLE?Check your laser eye surgery suitability online with our free LASIK self-testTAKE SUITABILITY SELF-TESTOUR MOST POPULAR PROCEDURESLASIKSmartSightICLLens ReplacementPRKRefractive cataract surgeryFAQsDISCOVER IF YOU CAN BE FREE FROM GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSESThe best way to find out if eye treatment is right for you is to have an in-person assessment. You’ll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and vision correction optionsBOOK A FREE ASSESSMENTHi, I’m Dr. Matthew Russell, your laser and cataract surgery specialistHI I’M DR. MATTHEW RUSSELL YOUR LASER EYE AND CATARACT SURGERY SPECIALISTWith over 15 years of experience, I enjoy the privilege of helping patients of all ages reclaim clear vision or preserve it for as long as possible.Vision correction and high-precision cataract surgery hinge on the expertise and skill set of the provider who also has access to the most precise tools for the job. Ophthalmic surgeons like me know how to make treatment safe, comfortable and positive for the patient. They know how to minimise the risk of complications and maximise successful outcomes.I have a passion for helping my patients enjoy the clear, high-definition vision they need to live rich and active lives. Now, I have hand-picked a team of professionals that share my passion and commitment to exceptional care.Dr. Matthew RussellMBChB, FRANZCO MORE ABOUT DR. RUSSELL