Lens replacement surgery is an investment that will improve your life. We understand that the different costs for eye surgeries can get complicated. However, if you consider the costs of your prescription glasses over a lifetime, you’ll be saving yourself thousands. Please see the eye lens replacement surgery cost on our pricing page. What is lens replacement? Lens replacement or ‘refractive lens exchange’ treats shortsightedness, longsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. It is a simple process of removing your naturally hardened lens, which has been causing you vision problems, and replacing it with an artificial IOL (Intraocular lens). This would suit you if you’re over 50 years old (and sometimes younger) or have early cataracts. The cost of lens replacement surgery at VSON Fees range from around $250 a month. However, depending on the lens you choose your costs may vary slightly. The eye lens replacement surgery cost also includes 10 years of re-treatments at no extra charge (should you need it). We offer 4 different types of Intraocular lenses (IOLs) Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are an important part of restoring your vision after lens replacement surgery. At present, we offer these four different types of IOLs: Monofocal IOL1: This is the least expensive and most common lens implant. This is because it only provides distance vision so you may still need reading glasses for nearby viewing. Trifocal IOL: These are premium IOLs so are more expensive than monofocals. With these lenses, you can see clearly at multi-distances and will not need reading glasses except in low lighting conditions. EDoF lenses2: Extended Depth of Focus lenses are a new form of lens that allow you to see at intermediate and far distances. We combine the benefits of monofocal with trifocal IOLs, enabling your complete freedom from glasses. As this is using advanced IOL technology, this is at a premium cost. Toric IOL (monofocal or multifocal): This premium lens is ideal if you have astigmatism. It diminishes the symptoms of astigmatism such as blurred vision, eyestrain, headaches and squinting. Your need for glasses after surgery with toric lenses depends on the type of lens. It is monofocal or multifocal. Finance plans tailored to you We recognise the expense of lens replacement surgery. This is why we offer 12 – 24 month payment plans so that you can spread the cost over a longer period, making payments easier. To find out more about lens replacement, and other vision correction surgeries, book a free assessment with us.