No doubt you’re curious to know how quickly you can reap the benefits of permanently improved vision after lens replacement surgery. You may have also heard of the side effects some lens replacement patients experience, such as visual fluctuations. But rest assured, these are a normal part of the healing process and are nothing to be stressed about. We are commonly asked how long our patients will be able to see normally, and fortunately the results are quick. What’s the ETA for my newly improved vision? For some patients, the results are evident within a day (even hours) and they have no initial side effects after surgery. A lot of our patients revel with excitement after their surgery as they can really notice a difference. From their declining vision before, to seeing a clearer and more detailed world around them – now free from glasses or contact lenses. For the few that do experience side-effects, their eyes settle down within 1-2 weeks1. You should be back to work and normal activities within a few days and even driving once your surgeon confirms your vision is clear enough to do so (this can be as early as 48 hours). Your surgeon will provide you with anti-inflammatory2 and antibiotic eye drops which will promote healing.. This is also a great solution if you experience dry-eyes after surgery. What would I see if my results are not instant? Visual fluctuations are a temporary side effect some patients experience after lens replacement surgery. You may experience blurred vision, seeing ‘halos’ at night time or glare. The halos result from your newly implanted IOLs (Intraocular lenses). The effects you may see are a neurological response to your new way of seeing. Your artificial lenses will have different distance zones set within them, so this design may be noticeable in the first few evenings. But thankfully, the human brain can adapt! Within a few days, you will adjust to your new lenses and be able to enjoy your new and improved eyesight. This process is known as neuroadaptation. 95% of patients experience driving-standard vision or better Many of our patients come back with soaring reviews of their experience and the effects of their treatment. If you would like to find out more about lens replacement surgery. You can book a free assessment with us.