How to overcome the fear of laser eye surgeryHi, it’s Dr. Russell from VSON. When I tell people I’m a LASIK surgeon, some ask me: “How can I overcome the nerves to get freedom from glasses and contacts?”.Let’s start by saying that having laser eye surgery is by no means a trivial pursuit. It’s a big deal! We’d go as far as to say that it’s life-changing! But as the saying often goes… You should feel the fear, and do it anyway.With laser eye surgery, we definitely recommend persevering, as with it comes so many benefits and conveniences. Here are 7 facts that might help you to overcome your fear:You’re in safe hands. At VSON we are proud of the level of expertise that our optometrists offer, and the training they have undergone to get where they are today.Over 30,000,000 people worldwide have already successfully undergone laser eye surgery.The chance of something going miniscully wrong is approximately 1000 to1.On average, 96% of patients who undergo Lasik surgery achieve 20/20 vision or better.The procedure is incredibly quick and takes approximately just 7 minutes per eye.It’s a painless procedure: Your eyes are completely numbed, using anaesthetic drops, and you are offered sedatives to reduce anxiety and relax muscle tension.You don’t need to worry about blinking, or more precisely, not blinking: We put a small eyelid holder under the eyelids to allow the laser to perform the procedure on the eyes without the interference of your natural blink.If you want to overcome the fear of laser eye surgery and press ahead with this life-changing procedure, VSON is here to lend a helping hand.To learn more about laser eye surgery, or if you have any questions, schedule a free assessment at VSON here.Home » SmartSight » How to overcome the fear of laser eye surgery Search for: ARE YOU SUITABLE?Check your laser eye surgery suitability online with our free LASIK self-testTAKE SUITABILITY SELF-TESTOUR MOST POPULAR PROCEDURESLASIKSmartSightICLLens ReplacementPRKRefractive cataract surgeryFAQsDISCOVER IF YOU CAN BE FREE FROM GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSESThe best way to find out if eye treatment is right for you is to have an in-person assessment. You’ll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and vision correction optionsBOOK A FREE ASSESSMENTHi, I’m Dr. Matthew Russell, your laser and cataract surgery specialistHI I’M DR. MATTHEW RUSSELL YOUR LASER EYE AND CATARACT SURGERY SPECIALISTWith over 15 years of experience, I enjoy the privilege of helping patients of all ages reclaim clear vision or preserve it for as long as possible.Vision correction and high-precision cataract surgery hinge on the expertise and skill set of the provider who also has access to the most precise tools for the job. Ophthalmic surgeons like me know how to make treatment safe, comfortable and positive for the patient. They know how to minimise the risk of complications and maximise successful outcomes.I have a passion for helping my patients enjoy the clear, high-definition vision they need to live rich and active lives. Now, I have hand-picked a team of professionals that share my passion and commitment to exceptional care.Dr. Matthew RussellMBChB, FRANZCO MORE ABOUT DR. RUSSELL