Lens replacement surgery is one of the safest1 and most popular eye surgeries. Generally, patients can get back to regular activities fairly quickly and can pursue an active, outdoors-lifestyle following their surgery. Short-term visual fluctuations after surgery Some people can experience blurred vision in the first few days after the surgery. Rest assured, that is normal. Visual fluctuations will typically happen the first few days following refractive lens surgery and is due to the eye’s healing process. This is a normal response to the surgery and visual stability should return in a few days. Recovery times may vary for different people Following lens replacement surgery, some patients will immediately experience clear vision. For others, it can take a bit longer to heal. However, we recommend that you attend your follow-up appointments and inform your doctor if you’re experiencing blurred vision after a few weeks In some cases, a second procedure may be necessary to fine-tune your vision, however, this is rare – with a large majority of our patients achieving significantly improved vision. Overall, you can expect a successful outcome with excellent vision following your surgery. If you have any more questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and book a free initial assessment.