Can I Get Laser Eye Surgery Twice? You can’t answer the question “Can I get laser eye surgery twice?” without understanding all the aspects of a second surgery. The benefits of a secondary surgery can be significant in getting your vision where you want it to be. However, it’s important to understand the risks as well. In this article, we discuss whether you can undergo this surgery a second time. We also explain how your ophthalmic surgeon can help you determine whether it’s the best course of action for you based on your situation and the risks involved. Continue reading so you can understand the process and make an informed decision. Why would I need a second surgery? The majority (more than 95%) of laser eye procedures (such as LASIK eye surgery) result in a successful and permanent vision correction. As a result, these patients often don’t need to see their ophthalmic surgeon for a second surgery. However, a small percentage of procedures aren’t as effective, and others see their results diminish with age as a result of unrelated eye conditions (e.g. presbyopia). Some patients experience (especially those with high prescriptions to begin with) the over or under correction of their eyes after their first laser eye treatment. For other patients, the natural ageing process affects the muscles and elasticity of their eyes. As a result, as you age, the lenses of your eyes become harder, and you have trouble focusing, a condition called presbyopia. Often, you would need to wear reading glasses and if left untreated you’ll likely develop cataracts. These conditions are common in older adults. They’re unavoidable (whether or not you undergo laser surgery), and they cannot be reversed without a lens replacement.