Answering PRK questions

Have PRK or TransPRK questions? Learn more about both from our laser eye surgeon, Dr. Matt Russell, founder of VSON Eye Laser Specialists

PRK vs LASIK: What’s the difference?


In this post, we go over the differences between LASIK versus PRK. Both LASIK and PRK are excellent forms of refractive surgery. But what is the difference in how the procedures are performed? What is the difference in recovery time? Who makes the best candidate for LASIK vs PRK? And finally, what is the difference in cost? Let’s take a look!

PRK vs LASIK: What’s the difference?2023-09-25T16:42:48+10:00

What is the best laser eye surgery technology?


Laser technology has come a long way. Find out below how it has evolved and why our laser technology at VSON will give you a smooth and comfortable experience like no other.

What is the best laser eye surgery technology?2024-01-17T22:00:31+10:00
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