Is lens replacement surgery safe?Lens replacement surgery is a safe medical procedure that allows you to return to normal activities within a few days.Of course, no surgery is without risk of complications and side effects. On rare occasions, patients report side effects such as dry eyes, visual fluctuations or infection. But we can prevent and treat these with the right medications or they simply relieve themselves within a few weeks. Many factors can affect the safety of this procedure. Here are a few examples:For the significant majority, our patient’s results are successfulYou should expect a significant improvement in your vision without glasses and contact lenses. So much so that 90%1 of lens replacement patients who opt for multifocal lenses never wear glasses again. These results should last for life, provided that your eyes stay healthy. This is because the synthetic properties of your artificial lens will not degrade as your natural lens would.Lens replacement has stood the test of timeThe principles behind lens replacement have been around for nearly a century! The first recorded lens replacement procedure was in 1949 by Sir Harold Ridley2,the%20most%20common%20operation%20done.. Fast forward to between the 1990s and the year 2000, and surgeons had introduced multifocal and accommodating IOLs (Intraocular lenses) for presbyopia (ageing eyes)3 then, our fellow surgeons have been refining and perfecting lens replacement and cataract surgery to a standard described as ‘one of the most successful treatments in all of medicine4 time is quickMost patients do not report any pain or discomfort, and you should be able to drive again within 48 hours. However, it’s best to listen to what your surgeon advises.Things you can do to avoid and minimise the effects of post-operative side-effectsApply your eye drops as your surgeon prescribes. This is important as this will help your eye heals correctly.Avoid strenuous activities such as weight lifting or cardio exercise until you’ve healed to an appropriate level.Stay away from dusty environments with lots of debris or dust. If you need to be in them for work, use goggles.Do not swim in or get dirty water in your eyes. This can put you at a higher risk of getting infections.Never rub your eyes. This is particularly crucial for the early post-operative periods, as doing so will interfere with the healing process.Get in touch with us to learn more about how safe lens replacement surgery is. You can book a free assessment for a time that suits you best.Home » Lens replacement » Is lens replacement surgery safe? Search for: ARE YOU SUITABLE?Check your laser eye surgery suitability online with our free LASIK self-testTAKE SUITABILITY SELF-TESTOUR MOST POPULAR PROCEDURESLASIKSmartSightICLLens ReplacementPRKRefractive cataract surgeryFAQsDISCOVER IF YOU CAN BE FREE FROM GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSESThe best way to find out if lens surgery is right for you is to have an in-person assessment. You’ll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and vision correction optionsBOOK A FREE ASSESSMENTHi, I’m Dr. Matthew Russell, your laser and cataract surgery specialistHI I’M DR. MATTHEW RUSSELL YOUR LASER EYE AND CATARACT SURGERY SPECIALISTWith over 15 years of experience, I enjoy the privilege of helping patients of all ages reclaim clear vision or preserve it for as long as possible.Vision correction and high-precision cataract surgery hinge on the expertise and skill set of the provider who also has access to the most precise tools for the job. Ophthalmic surgeons like me know how to make treatment safe, comfortable and positive for the patient. They know how to minimise the risk of complications and maximise successful outcomes.I have a passion for helping my patients enjoy the clear, high-definition vision they need to live rich and active lives. Now, I have hand-picked a team of professionals that share my passion and commitment to exceptional care.Dr. Matthew RussellMBChB, FRANZCO MORE ABOUT DR. RUSSELL