What if my expectations exceed the end result?Hi, it’s Matt Russell from VSON Laser Vision Specialists. With all the marketing hype surrounding it, many people wonder “What if my expectations exceed the end result of laser eye surgery?”In this post, I’ll answer the question: “What if my expectations exceed the end result?”The importance of the assessmentOne of the most important things about the laser eye surgery assessment process, other than to ensure that you’re a perfect candidate for the surgery, is to make sure that you understand what we can achieve with laser vision correction.Most patients are extremely satisfied with the results of their procedure. For some, their results are even better than they expected. This is one of the procedures I love doing because most patients who go through laser eye surgery are going to achieve an excellent visual outcome.Under and over-correctionsIn a small number of cases, it is possible that after the initial treatment, we may either slightly under-correct or over-correct your eye relative to what you’re expecting. In that small portion of people, which is about 2 or 3%, we need to go back a month or two later to fine-tune the laser vision correction. This is to ensure we get the vision at the level that you and we expect you to have for the long term.Changing eyesBecause the eyes are living organs, they change over time, just like other parts of your body do. That’s why we’re exceedingly careful to disqualify patients whose eyes might be changing due to their age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, or an underlying medical condition. We check to ensure you have a stable eye prescription before we proceed.Ageing eyesLastly, everyone experiences age-related changes in their eyes. This results in the gradual loss of near vision or the yellowing and clouding of vision due to a cataract. Laser eye surgery will not help you avoid that, but it also won’t make it happen any sooner. If you’re in that stage of life, we can discuss several options to become glasses-free – some of which might include a laser or lens-based procedure.To learn more about which laser eye surgery treatment is best to free you from the hassle of glasses and contact lenses, please book a free laser vision assessment on our website today.Found this post useful? Please share!Home » FAQ » What if my expectations exceed the end result? Search for: ARE YOU SUITABLE?Check your laser eye surgery suitability online with our free LASIK self-testTAKE SUITABILITY SELF-TESTOUR MOST POPULAR PROCEDURESLASIKSmartSightICLLens ReplacementPRKRefractive cataract surgeryFAQsDISCOVER IF YOU CAN BE FREE FROM GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSESThe best way to find out if lens surgery is right for you is to have an in-person assessment. You’ll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and vision correction optionsBOOK A FREE ASSESSMENTHi, I’m Dr. Matthew Russell, your laser and cataract surgery specialistHI I’M DR. MATTHEW RUSSELL YOUR LASER EYE AND CATARACT SURGERY SPECIALISTWith over 15 years of experience, I enjoy the privilege of helping patients of all ages reclaim clear vision or preserve it for as long as possible.Vision correction and high-precision cataract surgery hinge on the expertise and skill set of the provider who also has access to the most precise tools for the job. Ophthalmic surgeons like me know how to make treatment safe, comfortable and positive for the patient. They know how to minimise the risk of complications and maximise successful outcomes.I have a passion for helping my patients enjoy the clear, high-definition vision they need to live rich and active lives. Now, I have hand-picked a team of professionals that share my passion and commitment to exceptional care.Dr. Matthew RussellMBChB, FRANZCO MORE ABOUT DR. RUSSELL